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2020 PDTC Caucus
In early March, the PDTC held a caucus to elect delegates to the State Democratic Convention. With competitive state-wide primaries, this...

PDTC Special Election Candidate Forum
On February 1st, 2020 The PDTC held a Democratic Candidate Forum for the community. It was a great opportunity to hear from the...

Elizabeth Warren's Plymouth Town Hall
Senator Warren held a Town Hall in Plymouth on December 8th 2018! Many PDTC members were in attendance and we were lucky to hear from the...

Final Push for November 6th
PDTC volunteers were hard at work throughout the fall volunteering for candidates during phone banks, canvasses and standouts. We were...

October 2018 Meeting
Several candidates attended our October Meeting in an final effort to get out the Vote! We were also joined by nurses working for the Yes...

Grand Opening of the PDTC's Coordinated Campaign Headquarters!
In October we held a grand opening event for our Coordinated Campaign Headquarters. We were joined by many PDTC members and friends...

September Canvassing
PDTC members and friends were hard at work throughout the month of September canvassing for Democrats up and down the ballot!

Candidates Join the PDTC in July 2018!
Jimmy Tingle, Candidate for Lt. Governor attended our July meeting to share his vision for Massachusetts! We also heard from John Mahoney...

Deb Rudolf for State Senate Campaign Kickoff in Plymouth!
Members of the Plymouth Democratic Town Committee attended and volunteered at Deb's Kickoff event in Plymouth! Deb is running to be the...

John Mahoney for State Rep Campaign Kickoff!
PDTC members and friends had a great time at John Mahoney's Campaign Kickoff Event on June 7th! John is dedicated to our district and has...

2018 State Nominating Convention
Delegates from Plymouth attended the State Party's Nominating Convention in Worcester on Saturday, June 2nd!

More Candidates Visit the PDTC in May 2018!
More candidates running for office spoke at the PDTC's May meeting. We are looking forward to supporting John Mahoney, Kathy LaNatra and...

2018 Plymouth Democratic Caucus
On March 10th Plymouth Democrats elected a fantastic slate of delegates to the 2018 state party convention, including many first timers!

Bob Massie Makes a Campaign Stop in Plymouth!
On Friday, February 23rd Bob Massie met with activists, delegates and those interested in his campaign for governor. To learn more about...

Candidates Speak at January 2018 PDTC Meeting
During our January meeting, the PDTC had the opportunity to hear from several candidates running for state and local office. Quentin...

2018 PDCL Chair's Breakfast
Starting off 2018 with the PCDL Chair's Breakfast where we heard from some fantastic candidates for this year's election! We're proud to...

Jack Stanton’s Campaign Kickoff!
Jack Stanton kicked off his campaign for State representative with an energizing event at Cape Cod Beer in Hyannis.

Workshop: How to Get Involved & Run For Local Office
This informal workshop included insight and "how to's" for anyone looking to run for local office or get appointed to a local Board /...

Setti Warren Visits the PDTC
Gubernatorial candidate Setti Warren stopped by the October meeting of the PDTC.
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